Grant, the Help Chatbot, can help you find the answers you need (Beta Version)

Grant can deliver answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) for users. So try Grant! Grant is best at the top 10 FAQs, but we encourage you to ask any questions about using to find and apply for grants.

The Help Chatbot now provides a more seamless user experience. Additional content has been added, and existing content has been refreshed and updated. Click the chat widget –Grant’s picture in the footer of most web pages—and ask your question to reach a specific page with possible answers when the chat window opens. Then, click the widget or the footer link again to hide and reopen the chat window.

We appreciate your feedback because it helps us evaluate and improve Grant. When Grant provides an answer, please be sure to click “Yes” or “No” when asked, “Was this helpful?” so Grant can continue to get better at answering questions. When you are done, say “bye” or click [X] to end the chat. Finally, please rate Grant, so we know how he did.

Talk to Grant Right Now

Click the widget in the footer of almost any page to talk to Grant.